Jayant Khandare

Jayant Khandare

January 30, 2018 Uncategorized 0


 Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Actorius Innovations and Research 

After earning his bachelor’s and masters degree in Pharmacy. Jayant received a Ph.D. (Polymer Chemistry) in Chemical Engineering from the prestigious National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, in 2003. Post Ph.D., Jayant completed two postdoctoral stints at the School of Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA and the Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Rutgers, The State University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA.

His research interests are at the interface of macromolecular chemistry, targeted drug delivery, 3D cancer
cell scaffolds, and 3D surfaces.He worked extensively on targeted nano polymeric drug delivery systems for Cancer. Jayant’s excellent work resulted in him being awarded the prestigious Alexander Von Humboldt Experienced Researcher Award and he worked for one year in Germany with Prof.Dr.Rainer Haag at Freie University, Berlin, Germany in the field of Macromolecular Chemistry. He then established and led the Polymer Chemistry Group at Piramal Life Sciences. Jayant has published more than 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals and has 14 US patents to his credit. 

Jayant writes science blogs for ‘Human Touch of Chemistry’ and has been part of outreach events for Royal Society of Chemistry, West India. He has published 02 books on popularization of science. He has various awards, honors, and distinctions to his name, including being elected as a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and a Fellow of Maharashtra Academy of Sciences (MASc). He is also a founder of
Right to Research Foundation, a non-profit researcher’s entity in Pune. He has out licensed a pharmaceutical process technology in increasing patient compliance in diabetic and other therapies.